Volttic team installed one more Bharat DC01 fast charging machine at our client premises for Electric vehicle fleet operation at Airoli, Mumbai.
As Volttic we are providing best in class Electric vehicle charging stations to our clients for making charging very easy.
With this installation we have electrified one more corporate premises with electric vehicle charging facility ready for its employee transport fleet and its employees personal electric vehicles.
This electric vehicle charging station will help to get charging of electric vehicles supporting Bharat DC01 electric vehicle charging protocol.
India may need more than 4 Million electric vehicle charging station by 2030 to cater the charging demand of its Electric vehicles.
Choose Volttic as your Electric Vehicle charging partner for all your EV charging needs.
Our Charging solutions serve the charging at Hotels, Housing societies ,Mall ,Workplace and commercial places
This electric vehicle charging station is integrated with Volttic cloud base EV charging management platform for monitoring and analytic purpose.
Download out Volttic EV charging mobile application for using these electric vehicle charging machines.